"A party without a cake is just a meeting." - Julia Child

Heidi B., one of our fabulous buyers, told me how she and her grandkids would binge-watch YouTube videos of people creating miniature meals using real ingredients. This, and the fact that I love to play with anything tiny, convinced me I needed to take a look. Heidi was right, it is fascinating! The grandkids and I also became fans. Luckily, on our next buying trip, we stumbled upon the perfect "Tiny Baking" cooking set. It has become a favorite activity for me and my granddaughters. You can search "Tiny Kitchen" on YouTube and see what I am talking about.
For our first attempt, we decided to set the kitchen scene with our Maileg chef mouse and kitchen. The girls gathered all of the needed ingredients and put them in small dishes. Fortunately, their grammy is slightly obsessed with little things, and there were plenty to choose from.

We decided to jump right in and create our own video, and a few rookie mistakes were made in the process. Time-lapse goes fast, but the actual process takes much longer, and I soon realized that a tripod would have been a good idea. The video isn't perfect, but it's still fun for us to watch and remember our time together. The girls threw baby Maileg mouse a first birthday party. If you watch closely you will see him blow out his candle. :)
For their next project, the girls asked papa to bring home some pizza dough and toppings from Dutchman's. They wanted to provide a romantic date night for Mum and Dad mouse. Every now and then, parents deserve a break from all of their little mice. Especially when they've been working and homeschooling little ones during the pandemic!
We have been baking our famous Frosted Pink Sugar Cookies at Dutchman's Market since 1986. If you do the math, that equals a LOT of cookies! So, for her pièce de résistance, Tessa made some of her own pink sugar cookies using her papa's special recipe.
Chef mouse proudly served cookies and drinks out of our miniature Dutchman's drive-thru window. Our plan was to try our hand at a stop motion video with all of these little critters. Unfortunately, our dog, Boomer, ate the cookies when we stepped in to get the camera. So we decided to call it a day, and it was a good one at that!
What's next? With the holidays right around the corner, pies are going to be our new passion. The possibilities are endless! Buy your own Tiny Baking Set here!